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Your Guide to the Best HVAC Systems for Homes in Glendale, AZ

The hot desert sun is beating down on your house in Glendale again. As the temperature rises outside, you’re cranking up the AC to stay comfortable indoors. But is your current HVAC system up to the task of keeping you cool all summer long? If it’s on the fritz or not very energy efficient, it may be time for an upgrade. With so many options for residential HVAC systems out there, how do you choose what’s right for your home? Finding HVAC contractors in Glendale.

This guide will walk you through the different types of HVAC systems available for homes in Glendale’s hot climate. We’ll compare costs, energy efficiency, and performance to determine the best system for your needs and budget. Staying cool in the summer is key to comfort in the Valley of the Sun, so making the right decision about a new HVAC system is important. Read on to get the information you need to choose a system that will keep you chilled out even on the hottest days. The right HVAC setup can make all the difference in an Arizona summer!

Comparing Central Air Conditioners From Top HVAC Companies in Glendale

For homes in hot Glendale, having an efficient HVAC system is a must. There are a few good options to consider:

Central Air Conditioning

Central AC is the most common choice for cooling Glendale homes. It uses a system of supply and return ducts to distribute cooled air through your house. The main components are the condenser outside, the furnace or air handler inside, and the ductwork. Central AC provides consistent cooling for the whole house and can also be used for heating in winter.

Ductless Mini-Split Systems 

Mini-split systems are a great option if you want zoned temperature control or have an addition without ductwork. They consist of one outdoor condenser and multiple indoor air handlers that you place in different rooms. Each zone has its own thermostat so you can adjust the temperature for maximum comfort in every part of your home. Mini-splits provide both heating and cooling. 

Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative or “swamp” coolers are an inexpensive cooling option for dry climates like Glendale. They work by passing hot air over water-soaked pads, which cools and humidifies the air before blowing it into your home. Swamp coolers can reduce temperatures by up to 30 degrees but only work in low humidity. They require ventilation and also frequent maintenance to replace the cooling pads. For a comfortable climate with lower utility bills though, evaporative coolers are worth considering.

No matter which system you choose, keeping your HVAC properly maintained with annual service calls will ensure efficient, dependable temperature control for your Glendale home. Staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter has never been so easy!

Understanding Furnace Options for Your Glendale, AZ Home

When it comes to central AC units in Glendale, you have options from major brands like Trane, Carrier, Lennox, and Goodman. Let’s compare some of the top models to find one suited for your home. 

Trane XR14

A solid, mid-range model great for homes up to 2,500 square feet. It has an energy efficiency rating of 14 SEER, so it can help lower your utility bills. Trane is known for very durable, long-lasting AC units with good warranties. Expect to pay between $3,500 to $5,500 installed for an XR14.

Carrier Infinity 24ANB1

This high-efficiency Infinity series unit is ideal for homes over 2,500 square feet.  With a 24 SEER rating, two-stage operation, and variable-speed fan, it provides maximum comfort while maximizing energy savings. However, it does come at a higher cost – around $7,000 to $9,000 installed. Carrier is a reputable brand that backs their AC units with comprehensive warranties. 

Goodman GSX14 

For those on a budget, the Goodman GSX14 is affordable, with an efficiency rating of 14 SEER. Goodman AC units may not last quite as long as Trane or Carrier, but they can still provide over 10 years of service. Expect to pay $3,000 to $4,500 installed for a Goodman GSX14, making it a solid, lower-cost option for homes up to 2,000 square feet.

In the hot Glendale climate, a central AC is essential. Comparing models from trusted brands based on factors like efficiency, features, warranties, and cost can help you choose an HVAC system suited for your home and budget. With regular maintenance, any of these AC units should keep you comfortable for years to come.