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Tips for Divorcing Someone You Married Via The K1 Visa

The K1 Visa is a great opportunity to connect with a loved one who lives within an international territory. With the rise of online dating, the use of video communication and instant messaging, people can now easily find love with the help of technology.

This is what made the K1 Visa a popular route for people who have found love outside the country. Although it may not be the easiest process, it is relatively smooth sailing than undergoing a marriage outside the country and opting for a Spouse Visa.

Many people choose this avenue to be with their loved ones, and they eventually get married. Within 2 years time, their spouses can avail a permanent green card that proves their residence in the country.

What do you do when things go sour?

However, not all marriages through the K1 Visa are successful. If you have watched a show called 90 Day Fiance, you will notice that a lot of these couples experience conflicts due to the following reasons:

Cultural differences: Marrying someone from another country means that your cultural views may clash. This can result in conflicts on how you manage the household, how you communicate, or even how you raise your children.
Personality differences: With initial video chats and messaging as the way to communicate, couples may find themselves in shock when they realized that their personalities are different when living together.
Financial problems: The K1 Visa and permanent residency process is not only effortful in terms of time but it can also drain married people’s pockets. The thousands of dollars spent on tests, interviews, and other requirements can also cause conflicts between the couple.

These problems often crop up in K1 visa marriages, which can end in a decision to divorce. Divorce lawyers from Tampa Divorce Law have offered some tips to help couples go through the process.

Tips for Divorcing Someone You Married Via The K1 Visa

You may decide to have a collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce means you have decided to file your divorce case jointly. In this case, you have proven that your relationship was initially bona fide but simply didn’t work out for any of the reasons stated above. By having a collaborative divorce, you can provide verbal testimonials, documentation, and other evidence that your marriage needs to be dissolved and you can have a more comprehensive proof if you decide to do it together.

Apply for a divorce waiver

If deciding to file jointly is not an option for you, you may decide to file for a divorce waiver. The divorce waiver allows you to avoid the risk of deportation in the event that your marriage ended.

However, for a divorce waiver to be approved, you need to prove the following cases:
Proof that your marriage was in good faith: You have to show evidence that you had the best intentions upon entering the marriage.
Proof that you will experience hardship when you go back to your home country: You also need to have evidence that you will experience troublesome times when you get deported.
Proof that you have experienced abuse during the marriage: You may also send in evidence that you were not treated well during the marriage if this is a reason for the divorce.

Be prepared for the interview

Once you start the divorce process, you will be scheduled with an interview at the USCIS. Tampa divorce attorneys at Tampa Divorce Law suggests that you need to be prepared with the possible questions such as reasons for divorce and all the details leading up to your separation. This could increase your chances of having permanent resident status in spite of the divorce.

These strategies can help you go through divorce in a smoother process. Although not a pleasant experience, following these tips can help you increase the chances of having a successful case